Sample Ridge Flights
Here is a list of sample flight log files (in IGC format) that illustrate many of the ridge routes within the Mifflin task area. Click the link to download a ZIP file that includes all the files described below. You can then use normal flight display software (e.g. SeeYou) to examine routes of interest. Download […]
Posted by Karl Striedieck on April 9, 2020
Mifflin Weather Patterns
From a weather standpoint, May is a transition period between the vigorous systems of winter and the more tranquil and stable airmasses typical of summer in the northeast US. In other words, soaring pilots can experience everything associated with polar continental and maritime tropical, and mixtures thereof. Typically, weather systems in May cycle through a […]
Posted by Karl Striedieck on April 7, 2012
Ridge Flying the Mifflin Task Area
National and regional soaring competitions have been held at Mifflin County Airport in central Pennsylvania since 1990. Because of the ridge and valley topography here it is not unusual to fly tasks on days when the wind direction makes low level ridge running the optimum tactic for fast speeds. Since this is a specialized and […]
Posted by Karl Striedieck on November 10, 2011