Contest Information

Posted by on December 1, 2020

2025 Contest

MSA will host the 2025 Region 2 Soaring Contest at Mifflin County Airport, from May 18 through May 24 (Sunday through Saturday), with practice on Saturday, May 17. (Though not part of the contest, aerotows are expected to be available at Mifflin prior to May 17.)

Classes will include 18-Meter, 15-Meter, Standard and Sport. As has been done for past Mifflin contests, 15-Meter and Standard classes may be merged into one FAI-handicapped class, depending on the number of entries received.

Either a glider-mounted ELT (121.5 MHz / 406 MHz) or a satellite tracking device (e.g. SPOT or InReach) is required in every glider. A Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) or other device that requires pilot action to activate is not considered an acceptable substitute.

To apply for entry, use this SSA contest link.

You must complete on-site registration before any contest or practice-day flying. Registration (including collection of the balance of fees due, verification of registration paperwork, collection of signatures) will be available in the MSA clubhouse as follows:

    • Saturday May 12, 09:00 – 12:00
    • Sunday, 09:00 – 10:00

Contestant resources

The list below provides links to information of interest to prospective contest entrants.

SSA Contest Information Use this link to see information about our upcoming contest on the Soaring Society of America website, to register for it, and to see the list of pilots who’ve already registered.

Contest Pilot Briefing A detailed presentation of procedures that apply to this year’s contest. This is required reading for all prospective contest entrants.

Turnpoint & airspace files The Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange offers current Mifflin files (in all common formats) for you to download.

Mifflin Area Airfield Notes    Important information about airfields and landability in our task area.

Accommodations Nearby places to stay during a contest.

Local vendors Restaurants, shops and other commercial establishments of interest to visitors.

Past contest winners A list of all Mifflin contests and the winner of each, in every class.

The Mifflin Trophy This elegant trophy is awarded each year to the pilot with the longest handicapped flight flown during the annual Mifflin contest.